Submitting medical records

When you request an authorization, or a post payment appeal determination, you may need to send us medical records.

To submit medical records for a specific claim (post-claim):

  1. Find the claim online using the Claims tool.
  2. From the remittance advice (claim detail) screen, click Contact us.
  3. In the drop down menu, select Medical records.
  4. Attach medical records to your message.

You'll receive a confirmation screen after submitting your message, and a confirmation email from our Provider Services team. 

To submit medical records that are not related to a specific claim (pre-claim): 

  1. Go to your Priority Health Secure Mailbox.
  2. Click the Compose tab
  3. In the What is your message about? field, choose Medical record submission (pre-existing)
  4. Use the Attachments field to attach your documents
  5. In the body of the email include: member name, DOB and member ID number.
  6. If you are submitting a pre-claim appeal; you must complete and attach the most current Priority Health appeal form and submit a detailed letter of appeal. For more information  on appeals access our Reviews and appeals requirements.

If you don't have a Priority Health provider account, request one now.